Thursday, October 30, 2014

Plot and Structure

We all have stories we're living and telling ourselves. 

Literary Terms to Know (Academic Vocabulary)
  • Plot
  • Exposition
  • Complications (Rising Action)
  • Climax
  • Resolution
  • Local Color
  • Suspense
  • Chronological Order
  • Flashback (Flash forward) 
  • Etymology
Activity 1:Academic Vocabulary
Complete the vocabulary assignment before reading the story.Contents Vocabulary Handout
Activity 2:  

"Contents of a Dead Man's Pocket"

Read the story on page 5 of the lit book.  Pay careful attention to how the author slows down time in order to create suspense.  Also make any note of how local color helps readers determine the setting of the action.

Create a plot graph poster (on a regular sheet of blank paper) which labels all parts of the plot as they are represented in the story.

"A Hero's Story"

Activity 1:
Close read "A Hero's Story" and complete the assigned text based questions.

"A Hero's Story"

"A Hero's Story" Text Based Questions

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Setting and Tone

 “Is there anybody alive out there?”

Bruce Springsteen

Literary Terms (Academic Vocabulary): 

Local Color


"The Pedestrian"

Activity 1:  "The Pedestrian" Vocabulary: Vocabulary Handout


Activity 2:  

Read "The Pedestrian" on page 47 of the Lit Book.  Pay careful attention to how the author uses very specific words to create the tone of the piece.  As you read, notice how this tone and the setting of the story helps to develop the overall theme of the story.


Activity 1:  Complete "The Pedestrian" Text Based Questions: 

"The Pedestrian" Text Based Questions


Activity 3:  

Create a New Tone:  Rewrite the first two paragraphs of "The Pedestrian" in a romantic tone.
Here is the first paragraph:  Note all of the words that you will need to change in order to change the tone."The Pedestrian" First Paragraph

Activity 4: 

Watch the video about the author, Ray Bradbury, and write down 10 facts that you didn't know about the man before you viewed this.  Try to make a connection to the works that you have read by him before.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Narrator and Voice

In the early years, I found a voice that was my voice and also partly my father's voice. But isn't that what you always do? Why do kids at 5 years old go into the closet and put their daddy's shoes on? Hey, my kids do it.
(Bruce Springsteen)

Literary Terms to Know:  Academic Vocabulary

Limited Third Person
First Person
Vernacular Style

Activity 1:  Close Read "The Secret Lion"

"The Secret Lion" Full Text

Activity 2:  "The Secret Lion" Text Based Questions

"The Secret Lion" Text Based Questions

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Conflict and Theme

Literary Terms to Know:

External Conflict
Internal Conflict
Universal Theme
Personal Theme
Thesis (Main Idea) in non-fiction

"Highway Patrolman" by Bruce Springsteen

Activity 1:   Close Read the lyrics of "Highway Patrolman" by Bruce Springsteen.

 Highway Patrolman Lyrics

Activity 2:  Watch the video made from the song.

Activity 3:  Answer the Text Based Questions for :"Highway Patrolman"

"Samuel" by Grace Paley

Activity 1:  Close Read "Samuel"

"Samuel" Full Text